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Moon Child Area Rug

Moon Child Area Rug

All of our Rugs are custom-made-to-order and handcrafted to the highest quality standards.

  • Each rug is made from luxurious plush velour and features a premium heat dye sublimation print for long lasting color vibrancy.
  • Low-profile pile height of .4 inch makes this rug look great in any room and perfect for placing under furniture.
  • Underside is constructed from high quality epoxy for a non-slip grip and extra durability.
  • Stain resistant material makes cleaning a breeze use a damp cloth with mild soapy water to clean (avoid bleach) and let air dry.
  • Rugs arrive vacuumed sealed for protection during the shipping process once opened rugs may take up to 24 hours to lay flat. We recommend a light vacuuming of the rug to assist in the settling process.

Please allow 7-9 days to receive a tracking number while your order is hand-crafted, packaged and shipped from our facility. Estimated shipping time is 2-4 weeks.


Size - Small (3 X 5 FT),Medium (4 X 6 FT),Large (5 X 8 FT)

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- Switzerland

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